
Hello, this is my little blog. I'm a tumbleweed in this large world, looking for direction, seeking answers, finding only more questions. My quests are not extraordinary or unusual, but I try to bring levity to them. I also understand there are no answers, just this moment. So dive in, live it up, love it up and laugh more than you do (louder than expected).

When all else fails, add glitter.

Friday, March 8, 2013

get happy right here, right now

you don't even need a camel.  Source for image.

I have some tricks for getting happy when I'm down.  They usually work, but sometimes, it's just harder.  Harder to find happy, harder to be happy.  There are a thousand pithy platitudes & bromides to help us through tough times.  Sometimes I like them.  Sometimes they make me mad.  Depends on the day, I guess.

It is universally accepted that you are in control of your happiness.  I don't fully agree with this.  I think you can have a profound affect on it, but it's not entirely yours to negotiate.  We have outside influences, work, money, relationships and children all coming in and harshing our mellow.  It's true.  What you are in charge of is your response to all of these things.  Oh, wait, I failed to bring up that you're not in charge again...your hormones are running the show.  Just when you thought your destiny, life, joy and wholeness were yours, it turns out that the body is in charge of your world view, your luckiness factor and how you take in the world around you.  What are we to do in light of all this information?  Go back to bed?

Ah, here's where you come into the picture.  Action is better than inaction.  I have a few steps I employ to make sure I'm taking action in my life.  Even if I have little to no affect, I feel better, because I did something.  And the somethings I like to do involve moving me either physically, mentally or both.  And eat some damn vegetables.  It's been studied and ignored that veggies have a more profound impact on your mental well being than omega-3 fatty acids or anti-depressants.  Eat what the fish eat: algae, seaweed, plankton.  Eat what the apes eat (since we are now terrestrial): veggies.  I'm not saying that if you are on medication that you should stop taking it.  I am not a doctor. What I am saying is vegetables won't hurt you and will probably help you.

Step one:

  • put on your favorite music.  
  • turn it up.  
  • shake what your mama gave you.

If you do this right, you'll get goosebumps.  In case you don't know, goosebumps are a motivator for me.  Being a indulgent hedonist, I like things that make me feel good.

Step two:

  • gather up veggies & wash them thoroughly.  
  • stuff them in the juicer
  • thin with a little water if needed
  • drink up!

My current favorite green juice is: 1 bunch of organic celery (the whole thing), 1 organic gala apple, 1 bunch of organic parsley, 1 organic lime (skin on), 1" knob of ginger.  This juice causes a physical reaction in me.  It makes me stand on my toes, gives me goose flesh and makes me arch my back.  Hmm.  It looks something like step four.

Step three:

  • look up.
  • smile (it chemically alters your mood). This might help.
  • silliness is everywhere, you just need to be receptive to it.

When I'm in a foul mood, I know I need to change my perspective.  Rather than getting lost in all the thoughts of what is wrong, how bad the situation is, who wronged whom, whatever the problem might be, I try to look outside of myself.  It's inside where the problem is lurking, so seek outside information.  Look for the absurd.  It's awesome and it's everywhere.  If you're having a hard time with this one, change your environment and go to places where odd things happen.  Go to the park, go to where the peoples are, go to the dog park, check out the monkey cage at the zoo, go to a playground.  Humans and animals cannot help it, we are weird by nature and do the funniest things.  Change your focus, as a photographer changes the depth of field, and make blurry what's up close and personal.  Sharpen the focus on the farther away things, you will find the joy you seek.  It will change your mood.  Hold on to that moment.  It's the way you're supposed to feel.

Step four:

  • you got the allusion.
  • get busy.
There are more things you can do, but these work consistently.  The music changes the energy fields around you.  The green juice addresses the hormones we are all awash in.  Changing your focus from an internal view to a world view is best for a healthy mind.  And sex is just good.

