
Hello, this is my little blog. I'm a tumbleweed in this large world, looking for direction, seeking answers, finding only more questions. My quests are not extraordinary or unusual, but I try to bring levity to them. I also understand there are no answers, just this moment. So dive in, live it up, love it up and laugh more than you do (louder than expected).

When all else fails, add glitter.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

easy peasy lemon squeezy cleanse

Wow is there ever a lot of information on cleansing out there.  To go along with this, there are a thousand and one ways to cleanse.

I want to step back for just a minute and look at what this might all mean, what the patterns are.  It seems that a lot of people feel dirty.  Otherwise, why would they cleanse?  It makes sense.  The minute you start reading about what is happening to the food, water, air and soil, you feel dirty.  Part of the dirty is due to consumption, part of the dirty is guilt because we knew all along this way of being isn't natural...and yet, we bought in.  Welcome to the awakening, the part when you realize that what you put in your body, on your body and surround yourself with affects you at the cellular level.  And now you want to clean up your dirty ways.

My own awakening started with just not feeling great.  I didn't feel bad, but I didn't feel great.  I was eating well and exercising and the results were not as expected.  I thought I should have tapped into the fountain of youth.  Instead, my hair started falling out, my friends thought I was developing some kind of eating disorder,  and I wanted to sleep all. the. time.  Turns out, my thyroid was fritzing on me.  Some research lead me to realize if your thyroid isn't performing at optimal levels, neither is your liver or your kidneys.  Which lead me to consider juicing.  Which lead me to look into cleansing.

Here's my take on cleansing and the things I do because, the cells of the body need to be wrung out.  I tend to not like a lot of pain and or suffering, so I opt for the kinder, yummier way of cleaning out the cellular waste.

from my kitchen and an earlier blog on lemons.

Lemon water, consumed first thing in the AM.  1 lemon, squeezed completely into a glass of water.  It makes me drink more water, which flushes the system and creates small, but vital, cleansing process.

Organic, unfiltered, apple cider vinegar (ACV), consumed 3 days a week, slowly.  2 Tbls ACV, 1 heaping teaspoon of honey in a mug of hot water.  Sip on throughout the morning.  I know.  It sounds terrible.  It was terrible.  It used to be 3 heaping teaspoons of honey and I hated the woman who recommended this poison. Now I look forward to it.  ACV acts like a tonic on the cells.  For a list of crazy cures and uses, check out this list.  It seems like a panacea, but I really, truly feel better.  Side note, I'm very skeptical about the weight loss hasn't made an impact in this area for me.

Dig in the dirt.  Really, it smells good, it feels good and I'm sure it's what we're designed to do.  The smell of the garden releases chemicals that make you feel good.  When you feel good, you let go of the negative and I really think this includes the cellular level.

Sing.  Out loud.  As much as you can.  There are enough cultures that think singing is a blood tonic to make me buy into the notion.  It feels good.  It makes me happy.  It releases the bad and cleanses the cells.

Drink a freshly made green juice.  I keep my simple & tend to match the colors.  And they're organic.  Romaine lettuce, parsley, green apple & lime was today's juice.  Celery, ginger, lemon, yellow apple & cilantro is yummy and invigorating.  Juice is great because the nutrients are available immediately to the cells. The body doesn't have to go through the work of digestion, the enzymes, minerals & vitamins are right there and absorbed immediately in the mouth, stomach & intestines.  This immediate absorption causes the cells to turn over quickly (wring out & exchange old material for new).

Bounce.  This is new for me.  I have always loved trampolines...but I thought it was just the tramp part.  Nope.  It turns out the body knew more that I gave it credit for (again) and bouncing actually causes a gentle wringing on the cells that moment when your body feels it might break free of gravity.  Trapeze work does the same thing.  As does swinging (when you get to the apex and you feel you might break free).  So, a rebounder is on its way to my house.  It's a little trampoline, so I can bounce away.  It's good exercise, yes, but it's fantastic for cleansing the cells...wringing them all out at the same time.

beautiful photography by Debra McClinton, see more, here.

Bathe.  I was late to this game.  Hated baths when I was young.  Now I love them, they are soothing.  And I put things in them to make me feel great & to pull toxins from the body via my largest organ.  1 lb of baking soda and 2 cups of Epsom salts, to be exact.  Add a your favorite essential oil, float some flowers, light candles and read.  It's good for the soul, the candles add positive ions to the air and your cells have toxins pulled out of them.  We have it so good.  Hot water...tubs and tubs of hot water are proof of this.

great article from The Yummy Life on fruit waters with recipes!

Water.  Plain old water, 96 oz.  Add a little baking soda (about a 1/4) teaspoon to one of those glasses of water to alkalinize the body. Add makes drinking water pure joy.  Push through the cells all the waste material.  Cleanse the blood, but more important, cleanse the lymphatic system.

Santa Barbara farmers' market image found on tumblr here.

Eat your veggies.  I like them raw in the spring & summer, cooked in the fall & winter.  But I tend to make what I crave, as I've noticed, the body knows more than my head.  And yes, I crave my veggies.  The more you eat, the more you want.  Juice really stirs up the desire for green veggies in me, too.  Here's a great chart on pH for those interested in what alkalinizes and what acidifies.

And don't forget to laugh.  There it is, my easy peasy lemon squeezy cellular flush, cleansing regimen.  Please don't forget, I'm not a doctor and none of this is to be taken as medical advice.  I'm just a girl with a powerful curiosity and internet access.


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